Whatever the road that
can lead you to success, take it!
especially if it is gluten free

Your shop complete with everything
The opening of a shop makes you protagonists in the world of Gluten Free food with more and more consumers in Italy and around the world!

9 reasons to open your shop with us
- There are no constraints
- No entrance fee
- No percentages
- No minimum orders
- Your Shop all in 35/45 sqm
- Continuous production innovations that build customer loyalty
- TOP quality products and unrivaled prices
- Free and ongoing support over time for commercial management and marketing refinement, development strategies, problem solving and other variables.
- Our articulated, always in your availability (complete range of products from the most important companies, promotions, stock, etc.)
“All inclusive” supplies
Your shop complete with everything,
keys in hand
The complete furniture
- Display units / shelves of various sizes, in matt white melamine, mounted on a metal frame, with adjustable feet, up to a maximum of 150 shelves. (The definitive length of each display unit and its development will in any case be articulated on the basis of the actual measurements of the walls and their intersection)
- N ° 1 Management / sales counter specifically designed, with measures of 170 x 80 cm, in wooden material, with a 0.6 cm thick top perimeter, front and sides lacquered in official color with adhesive logos;
- N ° 1 Operating assembly consisting of: 15 "Touch Screen PC + fiscal printer + keyboard + mouse + barcode reader + Dedicated software on free loan for the duration of the license to use the brand + banknote drawer + training;
- N ° 1 Multifunction laser printer (scanner, etc,) in b / w;
- N ° 1 Ergonomic armchair with enveloping armrests and backrest, with adjustable lift in fabric, chromed structure and base;
- N ° 1 Horizontal freezer, leading brand, with sliding lids, capacity 1,000 liters, operating temperature –20 ° C;
- N ° 1 Large wall clock.
- N ° 3 Floor lamps for multipoint floor lighting;
- N ° 3 blue LEDs for lighting effects to be placed on the shelves;
- N ° 1 Specific painting of a wall with the colors of the brand "Il Mondo Senza Glutine"
- Kg 10 personalized bio-compostable Shoppers
- Social network pages
- Gluten free, lactose free, organic products, from about 13 leading companies, for business start-up, with an established value of € 4,500.00 (four thousand five hundred / 00). (included in the total cost)
- Doormat cm (80x40)

N ° 1 Gigantography, from cm. 100x140 new opening
N ° 1 Custom forex outdoor sign
N ° 2 IP65 outdoor LED lights
N ° 25.000 Flyers A5 format
N ° 2 Banner cm. 70x215 max.
N ° 5.000 Business cards.
N ° 500 Posters size cm. 35x50.
Stickers of the various logos.
What to Know
vertical showcase fridge on request
The “Il Mondo senza Glutine” brand is exclusive to the area for 80,000 inhabitants.
You can buy freely, or through us, from many other manufacturers / suppliers who offer numerous quality products to better enrich the availability of your shop. You can include vegan, organic, protein-free and low-calorie products, supplements and much more.
For the day of the opening to the public, absolutely free and promotional, there a consistent and varied sampling of MSG products will be provided to pay homage to visitors.
costs and payment methods
(including € 4500 of products)
€ 24.530,00 + VAT 22%
AT THE SIGNING OF THE CONTRACT: deposit by bank transfer
€ 12,530.00 + VAT 22%
BALANCE: the day after the installers arrive
€ 7,500.00 + VAT 22% and € 4,500.00 + VAT included
Completion times
Start of work within 20 working days from the signing and validation of the contract, construction, delivery and testing of the shop in max 3 working days.
Getting Started
The activity is classified as "retail sale of packaged food products", therefore the owner must have obtained a certification for the trade of food sector products (former REC or SAB courses) or must demonstrate that he has a previous experience in the food sector of at least two years, even if not continuous in the last five years. Your accountant will show you the simple procedure for opening in line with local provisions and will file the SCIA (certified reporting of the start of business) to the Municipality to which you belong
Feasibility opinion
essential to get started
To open the Shop, a room of 35/45 square meters is enough; by sending us internal and external photos, the floor plan, the complete address and rental cost to our email INFO@MSGITALIA.IT as well as your data (e.g. telephone number, name and surname) you will be given an opinion within 24/36 hours free on the suitability of the premises for opening the shop, also in consideration of the numerous parameters that will be analyzed, such as the location of the shop, ease of parking, etc. After a specific request, the ASL to which you belong will give you authorization to collect the monthly VOUCHERS available to celiacs, so your shop will have an agreement with the local ASL / ASP. OUR SUPPORT WILL BE TOTAL, FREE AND CONTINUOUS OVER THE YEARS. We will also give you specific training for the optimal management of your store and technical support for the management of your shop forever. The training will be carried out at your newly set up shop. You can always buy products from MSG at discounted prices and payments. With other manufacturers, by purchasing directly, you will agree on payments, usually 30/60 days from the date of receipt of the goods. Another strong point of all the shops made are the handcrafted products that you will insert at your request. (see the baker)
Business plan
The "Il Mondo Senza Glutine" store opens in a catchment area of 70/80 thousand inhabitants on average. By catchment area we mean not only the town where the shop will be opened, but also the hinterland within a radius of about 15/20 km. The possible percentage of celiacs, at least, is about 500 units. To these are added thousands of patients with "gluten sensitivity" (but also with indefinite diseases, intestinal dysbiosis, colon irritability, cross intolerances, various functional and organ gastrointestinal diseases that benefit from the exclusion of gluten).
After the first months of launch, THE SALE WILL GIVE ESTIMATED REVENUES OF 6/8 THOUSAND EURO PER MONTH. Collections grow vertically as soon as the ASL agreement for the withdrawal of monthly vouchers is obtained. By calculating an average profit of 35/40%, you will quickly recover the costs incurred for the purchase and opening of your shop. These concrete premises are based, in any case, on the good running of the shop, on the opening hours, on the courtesy, on the availability, competence and empathy that you will develop with customers.
The selection of MSG products is available and having unquestionably a cheaper price, combined with superior quality, fills the buyer's cart with more products with the same expense. Your shop, therefore, will have stabilized revenues in the direction of continuous growth. On certain products, particularly good ones, it will be possible to have a markup of up to 80/100% (see also the new IL FORNAIO format)
Furthermore, YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL ALWAYS FIND CONTINUOUS AND STIMULATING PROMOTIONS that generate loyalty and effective word of mouth. Therefore, while the collective understanding of the "gluten problem" grows and improves in the country, your business will play a specific social role as a health center. This is also an important value that qualifies and improves life as well as business.
The above is THE ESSENCE OF FRANCHISING "THE GLUTEN FREE WORLD". YOUR ATTENTION MAKES US, OUR EXPERIENCE IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO YOU. Contact us, you will find the turning point you were looking for! Visit our sites, you will be aware of the dozens of shops already built and those in the opening phase.